Everyone wants to improve their swing and one of the key factors that determines it is your grip. In golf a strong vs weak grip is one of the key decisions you’ll need to make that will influence your performance.
In this guide, we’ll explore the characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages of a strong vs weak golf grip. We’ll also take a look at a third, alternative grips you may not have heard of.
Golf Grip: Strong vs Weak
When it comes to golf grips, there are two main approaches: the strong grip and the weak grip. A strong grip involves positioning the hands on the club in a way that results in a more closed clubface during impact.
Conversely, a weak grip involves placing the hands in a way that results in an open clubface. The key differences lie in hand placement and the resulting clubface position at impact.
Strong Grip
In a strong grip, the “V” that is formed by your thumb and index finger will point towards your right shoulder (if you’re a righty). This grip promotes a closed clubface which increases the chances of hitting a draw shot that you are looking for.
The strong grip is often preferred by golfers with a faster swing speed or those looking to generate more power.
The clearest advantage to a strong grip is that it reduces the chances of slicing the ball. It encourages an inside-out swing path which offers more control and ultimately more power as well.
One potential downside is the increased difficulty in hitting straighter shots. Due to the closed clubface position, golfers may find it challenging to consistently align the ball with the target. This also leads to excessive hook shots. When working with a curve on your golf shot, you will often line up your shot left or right of your actual target landing area.
Weak Grip
A weak grip does the opposite. Now, the “V” of your hands is pointing towards the left side of your body (if you’re right-handed). The result is a more open clubface at impact which can cause fades and slices.
One of the primary advantages of a weak grip is the potential for greater accuracy. The open clubface position encourages a straighter swing path and reduces the likelihood of hooking the ball. This grip is often favored by players who prioritize control and precision in their shots.
Weak grips don’t get much love in the golfing community because of the loss in distance and increase in slices.
Neutral Grip
For all those who just can't decide!
While comparing weak vs strong golf grips is important, many of you may not have heard of the neutral grip. This is a balanced grip where the “V” points towards the center of the body.
The neutral grip offers several advantages for golfers. First, it promotes a more consistent and predictable ball flight. This is very helpful, especially for those that are just taking up the game.
With a square clubface position, golfers can achieve straighter shots with reduced side spin. Additionally, a neutral grip provides a good foundation for players who wish to work on shot shaping, as it allows for easier adjustments in clubface angle and swing path.
There aren’t really any cons besides the fact that maintaining a neutral grip is difficult and the main reason why few golfers use it. Like any other golf shot, practice is key here.
Strong vs Weak Grip in Golf: Frequently Asked Questions
Let’s review some of the most commonly asked questions about our instructors' golf grip.
Do pros typically use strong or weak grips?
Professional golfers' grip preferences vary, and there is no proper golf grip. Some pros use a strong grip, while others prefer a weak grip. (Again, all about your preference!)
When should I use a strong grip in golf?
A strong grip is beneficial for golfers who have a tendency to slice the ball.
Does a strong grip make the ball go left?
While a strong grip can increase the potential for a draw or hook shot, it does not automatically mean the ball will go left. The direction of the shot depends on various factors, including club path, clubface angle, and body alignment.
How do I know if my grip is too strong?
Keep in mind that just because you’ve settled on a certain grip doesn’t mean you’re married to it. Your grip might be too strong if you’re hooking the ball to the left a lot. Hit the driving range to experiment and adjust as needed.
What grip does Tiger Woods use?
Tiger Woods is known for using a strong grip throughout his career.
What Grip Will You Choose?
Comparing a strong vs weak grip is one of the most important steps that most beginner golfers will have to take.
The choice between a strong grip and a weak grip in golf is a personal one, influenced by individual swing characteristics, goals, and playing style. Both grips offer distinct advantages and disadvantages but it can take time to figure out what works best for you.
If you’re looking to practice your grip, or work on a different grip, regardless of the season, book a session with one of our golf instructors or consider joining our indoor golf league near you!